Google CEO Larry Page made a surprise appearance at the end of the company’s I/O opening keynote on Wednesday. Among other things, he gave an emotional speech on how technology improves our lives, calling on people to focus on "creating things that don't exist" instead of being dragged down by negativity.
At one point he even entertained the idea of “setting aside a part of the world” for unregulated experimentation. We all know how that would end up. Didn’t he play Bioshock?
I’m all dried out of Weekend Open Forum ideas so I thought why don’t I take this chance to help out a bigger cause and use your collective intelligence to figure out a few things. Where should this place be? What should it be called? Who would rule it? What sort of experiments should be run? Should people be required to give out all their personal information? Would you live there? Let your imagination run wild in the comments.

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