If you’ve got a cool million or two lying around and you want the ultimate in home theater entertainment, look no further than IMAX. The company recently announced plans to offer a select few the opportunity to bring the IMAX experience right to the comforts of their own home via a custom-designed, private home theater.
It’s unclear if the “select few” is in reference to a limited number of installs available or the fact that few could afford to own what IMAX describes as the world’s most immersive and luxurious entertainment experience.
IMAX will design every aspect of the private theater – from their renowned projection and sound technology to the room acoustics and theater geometry – to work as a fully integrated solution optimized specifically for each install. The team works directly with your architects, developers, interior designers and custom installers to ensure everything is built to IMAX’s exacting performance standards while catering to your specific design preferences.
Once the system is installed, there won’t be any further work required on your part. That’s because the system is connected to their Commercial Service Center with 24/7/365 remote monitoring. If something does go down, IMAX promises a response time of less than five minutes. There’s also preventative maintenance, performance tuning and on-the-ground support – all free of charge, of course.
Outside of Hollywood A-listers, we can’t imagine there are too many people that would be willing to throw down this kind of dough for a home theater system. Either way, however, it’s nice to see something like this finally being offered in the home.

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