Most Anticipated PC Games of 2013
It's an exciting year for gamers -- not just because the industry has whipped up an appetizing menu of fresh releases, but because we're approaching the next console generation, which will inevitably come with interesting new software projects, and many of them are bound to hit PC. Assuming Microsoft and/or Sony ship their updated hardware by the holidays, we could see some major launch titles shown at E3 in June, which might render our collection of 35 games (and 10 bonus mentions we're lukewarm about) incomplete.
And with that, we need to smack you with this obvious disclaimer: many interesting upcoming titles were excluded from our list, which is admittedly subjective and impossible to complete without adding everything due in 2013, but that would totally defeat the purpose of a "most anticipated" compilation. As always, you're more than welcome (encouraged, even) to hit the comments and tell us what we've missed and why you think it's important -- just make sure it's a PC game coming out in 2013 or be ready to take your lumps.

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